Using of Disputio in the workspace

Using of Disputio in the workspace

We probably all intuitively know that unresolved or misunderstood conflicts in a work team will have a negative impact on the performance and well-being of the team. The consequences of failing to handle disputes can result in lack of focus, psychosomatic problems, avoidance of colleagues, dislike of work, and even absenteeism. A number of studies and surveys have already been conducted on this topic, looking at the issue from many angles.

For example, a GfK survey found that four out of ten workers suffer from stress at work, and more than half of them experience it several times a week. The biggest triggers include interpersonal relationships in the workplace, excessive workload and inadequate job evaluation. A study conducted by the US company CPP Inc. showed that people spend up to 2.8 hours a week dealing with workplace conflicts and 25% of people try to avoid conflict altogether. A survey by CareerBuilder showed that more than 50% of employees try to avoid conflict by being diplomatic and avoiding confrontation, which can lead to lower productivity.

Disputes cannot be avoided. And that's a good thing.

First and foremost, it's important to recognize that disputes cannot be avoided in a collective. And even their absence can many times indicate an unhealthy work environment, caused by, for example, a large power imbalance. However, properly grasped and resolved disputes are a necessary and healthy dynamic element needed to sort out opinions and find new solutions and approaches. It is the knowledge of dispute resolution methodology, and consequently the necessary lived experience, that is the key to harnessing the positive energy hidden in conflicts. But here we come up against the fact that most of us do not even have theoretical, let alone practical experience, because the educational approach in our society is set more towards handing over responsibilities and powers to resolve conflicts to a third person, and often only in a situation where conflicts are escalated and complicated by many layers of often unrelated misunderstandings and omissions.

How to get out of this

That is why it is good to have someone we can go to who has this necessary theoretical and practical experience and ask for help. Someone who could structure our search for a solution to the conflict, help us with communication barriers, help us untangle all the layers and find the real causes - the core of the conflict. Someone who, with their empathetic, accepting way of communicating, can help you with your emotions and help you see things from the other person's perspective as well, to understand their motivations. Someone who will help you to see not only the differences between you, but also show you the things that unite you and for which it is good to overcome the initial nervousness and discomfort. Someone who is on neutral ground outside your institution, who doesn't know either of you and will therefore be an impartial guide. You will find such guides in our Disputio app.

How to ask for help

There are two ways to get help from guides in Disputio. One is that you are a party to the dispute yourself, then you simply click on "start a case", invite one or more of the opposing parties and just wait for all the invited parties to comment. Once agreed, the case is already visible to the guides, who will be happy to help you and guide you through the dispute in a joint chat.

The second option (see the picture) is that you are not a party to the dispute yourself, but would like your colleagues to resolve the dispute. Then, when you create a case, you tick "I do not participate myself..." and invite the parties to the dispute. Then, of course, you will not take part in or see any discussion, only receiving a message at the end to say whether an agreement has been reached.

We look forward to seeing you!