Actively listen to the people and help them on their way to an agreement and better relationships

Become a volunteer Guide at Disputio.

Actively listen to the people and help them  on their way to an agreement and better relationships

Do, what has value

Disputes poison people's lives. By helping to resolve them, you will change the world for the better. Little by little.

We'll always have your back

Our knowledge base, conveniently accessible throughout the entire dispute resolution process, will teach you, step by step, how to guide people towards an agreement. You share your experiences with other guides in the application and learn from each other.

You help, when you can

How much you participate is completely at your discretion. You help, when you want to. All communication is asynchronous and takes place in an online chat.

Give your energy to the right cause.

If you are interested in becoming a Guide, please email us at